So I got my period Tuesday and Wednesday I went in for baseline u/s and bloodwork.
After a bit of a freak out, it all comes down to this. My body was pretty suppressed by the BCP as they could only find 2 antral follicles and my E2 was at 18. They want to see it at least at 20 before starting stims. So, I go back Thursday for more bloodwork.
For the record:
FSH - 7.8 (This is higher than the usual 5, does this mean my body's trying to get something going?)
E2 - 18
P4 - 0.8
I **think** the AFC that matters is one when there's no suppression. So, the last one at 15 is what counted. I hope so. I would not be happy to go through all of this and get 2 measly follicles.
Thursday I went back in for bloodwork and my estrogen was still at 18! Ugh. I have to go back in on Friday for an ultrasound and more bloodwork!
Which brings us to today, Friday. The bitchy nurse wouldn't tell me how many follicles she saw, but I heard 12 clicks. I'm hoping its 12, but it might just be 6. But, the important news is my estrogen was at 20, so I start stims tonight. 225 iu follistim and 75 iu Menopur. I'm going to split that into 2 doses because I read a study about how 2 doses a day is more effective than one. So 150 iu follistim tonight and 75 iu follistim and 75 iu Menopur in the morning.
I have to go back in on Sunday for more bloodwork and ultrasound. That seems a little early. What do they expect to see after 1 1/2 days if meds? But I like information anyways, so it's fine with me. I actually think they just know insurance we pay.
Also on Sunday I'm going to talk to someone about giving me information. Information makes me feel in control of a situation in which I have no control. It makes me feel better. And in the end it's no skin off their nose, so just tell me what I want to know.
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